Pick one of your favourite photographs by searching on your own computer
and feed it via the folder button. Or maybe the picture you are trying to stylize is already on the web? In that case just copy and paste the image URL
Hint -
If you have a picture which is already on Facebook, and is publicly visible, just use the address that you find under right click
"Copy image URL". Do not use the address that you see in the browser because that won't work ;)
Hint -
For the most impact use a photo that represents a closeup of you
2. Now fine tune it
Just try and play around with the lightness and the details values and preview the image in real time
until you think you have the best looking portrait sketch. You can drag the two slider bars with the mouse for faster and easier adjustments
Hint -
Usually a higher number of details combined with half or less lightness gives a more refined look closer to a hand drawn pencil portrait
3. Download it for keeping
After you save your previous work the image is posted in the main gallery. You can choose to keep it or delete it. Use the
download button if you are satisfied with the result
Note -
Usually the images that you download have the ".png" extension because they are small in size but they still look crisp and beautiful